Welcome to eos.uptrade! This is how our onboarding process looks like

Onboarding at eos.uptrade

Your device: PC, Mac, or Linux?
Your Mac, PC, or Linux (your choice!) will either be handed over to you personally or delivered by courier. All necessary programs and accesses are already installed, so you can start right away.

Your mentor
There’s a lot of new things to expect in the early days. Your mentor will be available from day 1 to answer any questions you may have: “How do things work here at eos?”

Most of the time, your mentor is someone on the team who is already very familiar with the processes and tools. If even your mentor should run out of answers, there are always lots of friendly colleagues at eos who will help you.

Welcome dates
Your first days will be characterised by several welcome dates: In our onboarding appointments, we show you how we work at eos. Whether in Hamburg, Lübeck, Bremen or Dresden – all new colleagues are of course offered the same content, currently of course mainly remote. From general safety briefings, the tools we use, our industry, insights into our products and numerous ‘behind the scenes’ looks – the live presentations will be shown to you by management, Head of People, or your colleagues. There is plenty of time scheduled in each meeting for questions and answers.

Your team helps you get started
Together with your team, you will then delve deeper into your own topic. While the onboarding appointments are for everyone, your team will make sure you’re provided with all the specific information you need: Are there regular dates/dailies? What programmes/apps does your team use? etc.

Since we also offer mobile working at eos, most meetings currently take place remotely. The fact that there have been no core working hours at eos.uptrade since 2018 also helps the teams and colleagues to flexibly manage their time.

Step by step

Every day you learn a little bit more. We all know that it takes time to get started in a new job. With our onboarding process, we hope to make your start with us easier and confirm that eos was the right choice for you.

The first feedback will take place in the form of a joint meeting after three months. Then we will invite you to an onboarding ‘flash feedback’ to find out how things are going so far from your perspective. By this time, you will have gotten a good idea of whether it’s a fit for you. In case things aren’t quite working out somewhere yet: Let’s find a way together to meet your needs.

Your probationary period with us will last six months. Together with a colleague from the People Team and your supervisor, you will look back on your first six months at eos. What went well? What didn’t go so well? Do you still like it here? This feedback conversation is meant to go both ways: We would also like to know from you what impression you have of us – and maybe you will no longer say ‘you at eos’, but instead ‘we at eos’.

Interested? Check out our job openings and feel free to contact us!